Zoefest 20

I met Zoe Wiseman online in the late 1990's. She started ZoeFest in 2002 for photographers and models to collaborate in creating incredible imagery, as a retreat that has met virtually every year since. Because of her vision and persistence, she has been instrumental in building the art community with interest in figurative work through developing artnudes.com in 1997, CommunityZoe in 1999, and figuremodels.org. I was fortunate to attend my first ZoeFest in Palm Springs in 2012. This series of images were created in Kauai, September of 2022. We were participating in the 20th anniversary of Zoefest, that once again was organized by Zoe Wiseman. I have been so fortunate to have attended 5 of these events. Zoe is an inspiration to all of us. There were great artists on both sides of the camera from Australia, New Zealand, and the States. The conversations and dinners at night were so delightful. Getting a chance to share stories and day to day experiences while we were working was quite enlightening.

 Kauai has a mysterious hold on my psyche. We have been visiting the Garden Isle for over 30 years, There is something beyond the beauty of the place. There is an energy that surrounds you and changes your DNA. I knew that working there would be different than being in my studio. The physical environment demanded that I use it in developing my ideas. It was impossible to ignore. In a way the experience took me out of my comfort zone, where I typically have preconceived ideas and plans before I pick up the camera. It celebrates a story of place, people, light, energy, and ohana.

 Many thanks to Patt Panzer who was my trusty assistant and occasional Doctor to the group.

Anne DuffyBrooke LynneCheyanneEvaCheyannneLaelMerriqueAnne DuffyBrooke LynneEvaMerriqueAnne DuffyLaelBrooke LynneMerriqueEva